connect the dots

美 [kəˈnekt ðə dɑːts]英 [kəˈnekt ðə dɒts]
  • 网络连接点;融会贯通;看图连点
connect the dotsconnect the dots
  1. But , it is so diffuse that it is difficult for folks to connect the dots .


  2. Again , you can 't connect the dots looking forward .


  3. Again , you can 't connect the dots looking forward ;


  4. It 's just human nature to take time to connect the dots . I know that .


  5. and start to connect the dots , you can see the evidence everywhere .


  6. and we have the capabilities to collect and connect the dots


  7. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college .


  8. And looking back , you will be able to connect the dots . It will all make sense .


  9. Connect the dots to explain how it will be valuable to the employer .


  10. Let me connect the dots .


  11. and read about Charlotte and connect the dots .


  12. Managers , connect the dots for your listeners .


  13. So if you take what they read and see what is happening , you can kind of connect the dots .


  14. You just sit in front of the camera and do what you do best : connect the dots .


  15. Again , you can 't connect the dots looking forward , you can only connect them looking backwards .


  16. Again , you can 't connect the dots looking forward ; u can only connect them looking backwards .


  17. Pink : Symphony is the ability to see the big picture , connect the dots , combine disparate things into something new .


  18. In fact , the interview is your chance to creatively connect the dots between your resume and your decision to apply for the job .


  19. College Summit participants " help their classmates connect the dots between their goals for the future and the choices they make in school each day ," he said .


  20. We need to connect the dots for people between the ivory goods they see in stores and the carcasses of dead elephants half a world away .


  21. I was constantly either tired or wired and you could have literally played ' connect the dots ' with a crayon on my face ;


  22. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college . But it was very , very clear looking backwards ten years later .


  23. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college , but it was very , very clear looking backwards ten years later .


  24. Two teacups in the sink , new perfume , late nights , plunging necklines It was not hard to connect the dots .


  25. At that point , American policy makers will be forced on the defensive while grasping to connect the dots of seemingly disparate events in space and cyberspace .


  26. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college , he said . But it was very , very clear looking backwards ten years later .


  27. They included the ability to ' think outside the box ' , also known as divergent thinking , or the ability to ' connect the dots ' , known as convergent thinking .


  28. Always balancing between realism and poetry , Mr. Kiarostami 's films tried to leave as much space as possible for the viewer 's fantasy to connect the dots .


  29. Executive coach Peggy Klaus says ," Connect the dots for people and show them how your strengths can be utilized in other departments , capacities , or fields . "


  30. It 's not that they lack for motivation or IQ . It 's that they can 't connect the dots when they don 't know where the dots are in the first place .
